Move Over Mary Poppins!

The real life adventures of one nanny, her husband, child, dogs, house, and whatever else crosses her path.

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Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Meatball Vindication and Word Problems

Let me just start by saying that I love the three children for whom I care. I mean really love them! It's just that it can be immensely frustrating co-parenting kids who aren't yours, sometimes, even with parents who are mostly on the same page as you are.

That said, I did consider throttling Miss E two nights ago when, at the mention of "meatballs florentine" (ie, meatballs with cheese and spinach - thanks, R. Ray, for the inspiration), she began making retching noises.

When, some time later, she very delicately pushed the plate of meatballs away and said, in her hautiest tones, "I'm not eating that." I saw red. Literally. In the end, she didn't grace the dinner table with her presence, and cried her mother a river about how starved and abused she was. I left seething, but swearing that I'd just let it roll, since ultimately I'm not the Mom, right?

Turns out, Mom made her try it, and lo! She liked it! She admitted that spinach, when mixed up with cheese and meat and tomatoey goodness, is not so vile and spinachy.

Hooray for disguised veggies, hooray for successful coparenting, and lesson for me: don't underestimate your co-parents!

Today I face a demon from my own mathematically challenged past - THE WORD PROBLEM.

Jack's homework is easy enough to do conceptually, but the word problem structure makes my brain shrivel up. Man, I suck. I think he thinks a little bit like I do, too, since the structure clouds the math for him as well. He and I have a long road ahead of us, I fear. And I'd better brush up on my math...



Blogger Legal Blondie said...

If I had a nickel for every time G said that he hates potatoes and then eats french fries with reckless abandon... enough ketchup and everything is good. Oh, and I think a fair interpretation of the above comment by N is that he just volunteered to consult with J via email or IM on ALL his math homework. How very twenty-first century of him!

11/6/06, 3:49 PM  
Blogger Cameron said...

Perfect! I'm picking the iBook up tonight or tomorrow, so we'll be set up for that soon!

11/7/06, 3:17 PM  

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