Move Over Mary Poppins!

The real life adventures of one nanny, her husband, child, dogs, house, and whatever else crosses her path.

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Saturday, March 11, 2006

When the Pets Drive You Out of Your House

Ah, Maurice. You thought we'd abandoned him or sold him to gypsies, right? No no... He has been here all along, and recently he has be "helping" Mark with a few projects. These radiator covers are for a Back Bay client of his, and they're ready top leave Mark's workshop and go out for priming and painting. Maurice helped by providing scale for Mark's archival pictures of the project. And he brought his mangey duck, Quack, along.

Now, here in our household we are equal opprtunity pet parents, and allow both of our furry family members to "help." Largely, Lola is a behind-the-scenes helper; often helping me with knitting projects by swatting at my needles and clawing my yarn. She does, from time to time, however, get involved in home improvement. Such as the time she modeled the diningroom for us during a particularly crucial phase.

Such helpful animals. Now, if only they'd both leave me alone! It must be the springlike weather. They're both being ginormous pains in the ass! Lucky for Maurice and I, I have to rake leaves from last fall, so the lawn doesn't rot, today, and lucky for Lola, I can open a window for her, and she can watch the Nature Channel Live Edition.

Because I'm a dummy, and didn't call to pay for my car repairs, I can't go pick my car up now until Mark gets home from work. Will there still be daylight for me to clean my car? Those of you who talked to bookies about the wager might want to switch your bets, since the odds in my favor may have actually increased to ten gabillion to one that I won't get any car cleaning done today.

I'm off to get some yardwork done before I do murder (REDRUM!) to one of my pets.


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