Move Over Mary Poppins!

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Saturday, April 19, 2008


I'm willing to try new things to succeed at this whole weight loss thing. Anyone who has known me for a few years in the real world, knows I did it once before. The knowing that I have done it, and therefore can do it again, is sometimes more daunting than walking into my first Weight Watchers meeting without a clue more than eight years ago.

Last week, coming off of a few weeks of throwing the whole effort out of the window, I went back to meeting, and I promised myself two things. One, I would journal every bite that went into my mouth, even when I was blowing my day on leftover birthday cake. The other, that I would make every effort to rack up 10,000 steps on my pedometer.

Well, I didn't completely succeed at either goal, but I still managed to take off 2.4 of the pounds that had crept back on while I was throwing it all out the window. Staying for the meeting helped, too.

The truth is, the more I stay constantly vigilant and accountable for my actions, the better I do. It may seem obvious, but it's a fundamental truth at meetings, and it's something I have to struggle with daily.



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