Move Over Mary Poppins!

The real life adventures of one nanny, her husband, child, dogs, house, and whatever else crosses her path.

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Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Drunk on Ginger Beer?

I wish.

I'm exhausted.

I very nearly caused an accident today, while out walking the dogs. Felix has been fussing and cluster feeding since about 11:00 last night, and by 10:30 this morning, I'd had it. So, I packed Felix into his carrier, leashed the canines, and we headed out into the world.

Are you insane? you might ask?

Well, yes, actually, I am, but I needed fresh air, and the dogs needed an activity, and Felix needed perpetual motion. So, we left. The walk went relatively well, until we were returning home. At the corner of our street and route 30, we needed to cross the street to get to the sidewalk, so I got us all to the crosswalk to wait for the oncoming traffic to clear.

The car that was nearest to us stopped abruptly and waved me across. Just as I raised my gloved hand to thank the driver, the car behind him hauled on the brakes and swerved evasively to the right. He honked, which startled the dogs and the baby, and stopped traffic in three directions. He then started screaming out the window at me for trying to cross the street, at the first driver for stopping for me, and at everyone else for looking at him. I got us across the street, and headed back for home, thankful that his business took him in another direction.

I feel like I am sometimes a target for traffic issues, apparently even when I'm not driving.

When we got home, I poured myself a ginger beer, left over from the weekend, and pretended like hell that there was about an inch of Mount Gay in the pint glass.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yikes. What a horrid man. Glad you, Felix and dogs are okay, though. I'm not sure how some people view the world and their place in it. Some think they have many more rights than the rest of us. But I'm glad you're okay. samm

12/12/07, 4:05 PM  

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