Move Over Mary Poppins!

The real life adventures of one nanny, her husband, child, dogs, house, and whatever else crosses her path.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Back from the Holiday Front

The G's have survived another holiday blitz!

Christmas Eve saw my parents and uncle arriving for dinner at our house, in honor of a rare extended visit from my uncle.

We have eaten ourselves silly, exchanged a multitude of gifts, and laughed a lot, which could said to be the best part. My husband's family had the rare treat of having everyone in one room for Christmas dinner. Present were Memere, Pepere, "Ma Tantes" Anita & Del, Tante Linda, Grandma, Aunt Sheila, Uncle John, Uncle Bob, his wife Louise, cousins Mica and Danielle, Mom & Dad G, my two brothers-in-law, and the youngest's girlfriend, Colleen.

Things were a little quieter at my parents house in the morning... Mark and I, my Mom and Dad, and my uncle, Peter, opened gifts and ate a big breakfast, complete with mimosas and my sticky buns. My brother, his daughter and her mother will be flying up on Friday for a belated Christmas/New Years visit.

So, after 13 solid hours of Christmas Day festivities, we collapsed in a sleepy pile at home, and slept late... Now to sort out all the loot...



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