Move Over Mary Poppins!

The real life adventures of one nanny, her husband, child, dogs, house, and whatever else crosses her path.

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Tuesday, July 25, 2006

The First of December...

Just a few minutes ago, I had a memory come to me intact, as if it has passed only hours ago. I love being able to savor them, when I can. This time, "Sweet Baby James" by James Taylor came up on my iPod, and I remembered, right down to the quality of the light and the smell of the hallway, that, just like in the song, "The first of December was covered with snow," our freshman year at Middlebury. I woke up feeling it, the particular quiet that snow causes, the filtered light seeping through the edges of our pulled shade. I woke my roommate up, since she was from Virginia, and she'd been anticipating the first real Vermont snow. We'd been listening to James Taylor a lot that fall, courtesy of El across the hall, so the lyrics of the song were fresh in our minds, and it was a little bit magic.



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