Move Over Mary Poppins!

The real life adventures of one nanny, her husband, child, dogs, house, and whatever else crosses her path.

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Tuesday, February 14, 2006

I Heart February 14th!

OK, so anyone who knows me knows I was lying just then.

But I stopped wearing all black in protest/mourning a few years ago. I even retired my black undies and secret heart-festooned Valentine's Day socks. In recent years, even with a boyfriend/fiance/husband in the picture, I've simply chosen to plod through this contrived celebration of superficial romance.

So, why, this year am I feeling all gooey? I made construction paper Valentine's (pink, lavendar and white with red glitter glue!) with E - and then hid them in Mark's car, coat pocket, and wallet this morning. I baked this heart-shaped cake for the kids... And there's a bottle of champagne on ice at home, and 4 gourmet truffles for dessert. Oddest of all, I'm really not expecting anything in return for all this love...

Has "wiser" finally come with "older?"

Nah.... Maybe I'm just happy and it's manifesting in bizarre ways?

It's time for the weekly treck over the Hill to BBall practice - and my weekly get-anything-you-might-need-at-Whole-Foods-because-we're-already-here trip. What will I do when I actually have to make myself go there? Today I need frozen peeled deveined shrimp, and I'm quite sure E will con me into buying her a fruit leather, so J will need one, too. Ahh... fairness. At $0.69 a snack, I can afford to buy their silence for a few minutes.

The kids should be home from school any minute. One of my kind colleagues has agreed to walk them home from the bus stop, since O's sleeping. Yay for not having to bundle hime up twice in the same hour!

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