Move Over Mary Poppins!

The real life adventures of one nanny, her husband, child, dogs, house, and whatever else crosses her path.

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Monday, January 22, 2007

I Will.

I haven't posted from The Scale in months, and that's been indicative of my motivation to take care of myself. New Year's always strikes me as a cliched time to start rehabilitating myself, but clearly I need to do it.

I've never been great at the psychological parts of the Weight Watchers plan. I read the Tools for Living, and I think, "Of course! Common sense." Seldom do I subject myself to the inner scrutiny that using the tools often calls for. I go to meetings, measure portions, make healthy meals, and get on the scale weekly, but my heart isn't always in the game.

Today, while I was on the treadmill (activity! hooray!), I decided that I should state a winning outcome, and re-kick-off the year. If I write it down and put it out there for anyone to read, maybe I'll stay more focused on why I'm really in this, because my reasons have changed.

When I joined Weight Watchers in January 2000, I wanted to be less heavy, to be more attractive to the opposite sex, and to regain my self-confidence, much of which is tied up in body-image. I lost 70 pounds, but before I made it to the weight loss goal, I achieved some of the other goals. I met a wonderful man, to whom I'm now married. I met him because, with renewed self-confidence, I was able to put myself out there and date. I looked good, and I knew it, and that positive image fit the person that I was inside. The trouble is, I never restated why I was losing the weight, and so, with all those other issues resolved, I slipped from the program.

I find myself in a very different place now. It's seven years later, and my needs from my body are different. I'll be 30 in a few months, and now is the time when my body is going to need vigilance. I have to get into the shape I'll need to stay healthy for the rest of my life. There's no more coasting on being "young." I still feel young, but I do need to respect that my body has a lot more work to do before it can give out, not to mention a lot more years.

I also need my body healthy so that we can conceive a healthy child, and that time is coming. The extra pounds I'm carrying aren't helping me to conceive and they may, in fact, be hindering me.. And so, my Winning Outcome.

"I will lose ten percent of my body weight, which will significant reduce health risks associated with being overweight, as well as improve my chances to conceive a healthy child. I will accomplish this goal by holding myself responsible for my food choices and eating habits (planning and journaling), and by exercising no less than three times a week."

In keeping with this goal, today I've planned out my day, journaled my food choices, and taken care of my body by walking for a half hour on the treadmill and completing the Abs and Arms workout from Weight Watchers.



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